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Halls of the Forgotten
Tenshu Sensei
Border Keep - Exp. 2
Bamboo Harvesters - Exp.
Hida Kuon - Exp. 4
Hida Rikyu - Exp.
Hida Yamadera - Exp.
2 Hida Kaiji
3 Hida Yamadera
3 Hida Bakari
3 Hida Nichie
3 Hida Tenshu
2 Hida Mimori
Oni no Akuma
In Time of War
Kisada's Funeral
Lions Attack the Crane
The Yasuki Peddler
Traveling Peddler
2 Incense Mill
3 Corrupted Iron Mine
3 Iron Mine
3 Colonial Harbor
3 Prosperous Village
1 Daruma
1 Civility
2 Deep Roots
2 Forewarning
2 At Any Cost
2 Wedge
2 Berserker Rage
2 Charge Into Danger
3 Counterattack
3 Deadly Ground
3 Fortitude
3 Rallying Cry
3 Sneak Attack
3 Spirit of the Berserker
3 The Bear Returns
3 Utter Defeat
3 Blind Rage
3 Splintered Weapon
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