The Fortified Monastery of the Dragon
Hantei Naseru
Toshimoko Sensei
Border Keep - Exp.2
Bamboo Harvesters - Exp.
Jurojin's Blessing
Togashi's Guidance - Exp.
Boundless Sight
Harsh Choices
Imperial Gift
Shattered Focus
Strange Assembly
The First Wedding
3 Gold Mine
3 Luxurious Silk
3 Shrine of the Sun
2 Tsuma Dojo
Hitomi Reju - Exp.
3 Kado
Kitsuki Nakai - Exp.
Mirumoto - Exp.7
3 Mirumoto Chojiro
3 Mirumoto Bokusui
3 Mirumoto Hikaro
1 Mirumoto Hojatsu
3 Mirumoto Rokai
1 Togashi Satsu - Exp.5
1 A Game of Dice
3 Clash of Blades
3 Demonstrating Technique
3 Duel of Haiku
3 Flame and Lightning
2 Kharmic Struggle
3 Legendary Confrontation
3 Meeting the Keepers
1 Renewal
1 Resurrection
3 Naseru's Strength
3 The Fortunes Smile
3 Victory or Death
3 Blade of Penance
1 Celestial Sword of the Dragon - Exp.
Dark Ring of Fire
False Ring of Air
False Ring of Fire
Ring of the Void