The Towers of the Yogo
Black Heart of the Empire
Shika Sensei
Bamboo Harvesters
Border Keep - Exp. 2
Offering Reverence
Bayushi's Guidance - Exp.
3 Famous Bazaar
3 Luxurious Silk
Oracle of the Void - Exp.
3 Spirit's Essence Dojo
3 Bayushi Kanihime
3 Bayushi Shaiga
3 Shosuro Kanako
3 Shosuro Kiyofumi
3 Shosuro Nishu
3 Shosuro Ozu
3 Shosuro Tanihara
3 Soshi Kodanshi
1 Soshi Mumoshi
Shosuro Aroru - Exp. 2
Serenity in Air
1 A Yojimbo's Duty
1 Never Safe
2 A New Perspective
2 Game of Sincerity
2 Hunting in the Shadows
2 Ordered Retreat
2 Scorn the Weak
2 Sundering Strike
2 Surprising Resistance
2 The Saga of Taki
3 Way of Shadow
3 Shadow Games
3 Strike from the Shadows
3 Defensive Stance
3 Forewarning
3 Draw Your Blade
3 Brawl
Ring of the Void