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The Palace of Otosan Uchi
Kuro Sensei
Border Keep
Bamboo Harvesters
3 The Forgotten Bay Dojo
3 Akodo's Grave
3 Imperial Artificer
3 Wooden Barricade
1 Imperial Handmaidens
1 Temples of Gisei Toshi
Glory of the Shogun
Harbingers of War
The Inevitable Grasp of Conquest
Border Market
3 Seppun Tanizaki
3 Toku
3 Seppun Barru
3 Toku Butaka
3 Seppun Hotaitaka
1 Toturi Shigekawa
1 Hasame
1 Toku Exp. 3
1 Ishikawa
1 Seppun Tashime Exp.
1 Zansho
3 Peasant Vengeance
3 Stay Your Blade
3 Deadly Ground
3 Two Stings
3 Rallying Cry
2 Endless Horde
2 Settling the Homeless
2 Stand Against the Waves
3 Imperial Elite Guard
3 Imperial City Guards
3 Thunderous Legion
3 Imperial Magistrates
3 Imperial Legionnaires
2 Imperial Legion
2 Imperial Couriers
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